Judge joins GCS
Gill Judge has joined financial inclusion charity Guernsey Community Savings in the new role of deputy manager, bringing with her decades of experience in management information, education and banking.
For the last 20 years she has worked for the States of Guernsey as an education development officer, then consultant, supporting teachers in the use of their management information system to improve standards and progress.
More recently she was a key member of the team implementing the volunteer programme for the Island Games and lead attaché for the Jersey team.
Gill says, ‘When I heard about the role from a friend, I was intrigued and popped in for a chat. I was surprised that people were still financially excluded in Guernsey and wondered why a charity was needed to arrange access to bank accounts. I left after our chat feeling really positive about the role, what I could contribute and how I can support the clients.
‘I have been here a month and I love that we can resolve things easily and flexibly and pull out all the stops for our clients. Excel spreadsheets are a real passion of mine and I have already developed a budgeting spreadsheet that we can use with our clients.’
GCS manager Liz Pirouet-Douglas says, ‘Gill made a great first impression with her enthusiasm and her interest in financial exclusion. It was also clear that she had great people and communication skills which are so important to the service we provide.’
Guernsey Community Savings arranges access to bank accounts for islanders who have been financially excluded from society because they can’t open an account, or because their account has been closed. So far more than 150 clients have benefited from their life-changing support. The charity also provides financial education, empowering people to manage their finances effectively.